
How Does the SMT Factory Deal With the Tombstone Phenomenon of Chip Components?

In the PCBA processing industry in Shenzhen, most PCBA manufacturers will encounter an undesirable phenomenon. One end of the chip component will lift up during SMT. […]

Importance of X-Ray Quality Inspection After SMT

X-ray: Full name X-ray non-destructive testing equipment, which uses low-energy X-rays to scan and image the inside of the product to detect flaws such as cracks […]

What Information is Needed for smt

In smt, when evaluating the quotation, the following information needs to be given to the smt factory so that engineers and purchasers can evaluate the process […]

Understand the Purpose of PCB Prototyping in Advance

I believe that customers who have processed PCB circuit boards understand that when producing PCB circuit boards in batches, PCB prototyping is required before mass production. […]