
Packaging Technology on PCB Circuit Boards

The COB package on the PCB circuit board, if the bare chip is directly exposed to the air, it is easy to be polluted or artificially […]

Difference Between Wave Soldering and Manual Soldering in PCBA Processing (Part 2)

2. the high quality of wave soldering When wave soldering is performed, the welding parameters of each solder joint can be “tailored”, and there is enough […]

Difference Between Wave Soldering and Manual Soldering in PCBA Processing (Part 1)

In the electronics industry, there are wave soldering and manual soldering for software materials in PCBA processing. Then, what are the differences between these two soldering […]

7 Ways to Quickly Judge the Quality of Circuit Board Design (Part 6)

6-Trace width and routing The size of the traces carrying large currents should be adjusted appropriately. Figure 2 below shows the IPC (Printed Circuit Research Institute) […]